
Wyoming Occupational Licensing

26 out of 102 moderate-income occupations licensed

22nd most burdensome licensing laws for moderate-income occupations

Average Fees for Licenses:$373

Wyoming Licensing Overview

Wyoming licenses 26 out of 102 lower-income occupations (more than half of the occupations included in the study) . The state’s licensing laws are about average when compared to other states. The state's licensing laws rank 22nd in the nation.

On average, Wyoming requires $373 in licensing fees, 259 days of education and about 2 exam. Fees for a license exceed $1000 for Midwife, Direct Entry, Travel Guide.

Which occupation in a Wyoming is the most regulated?

Out of the 26 occupations that require an occupational license in Wyoming, a license for Athletic Trainer has the highest burden. A Athletic Trainer license requires $605 in fees, 2 exams, no experience, and 4 years of education.

Which occupation in a Wyoming is the least regulated?

Out of the 26 occupations that require an occupational license in Wyoming, licenses for Landscape Contractor (Commercial), Landscape Contractor (Residential) have the lowest burden.

Which occupational license in Wyoming is the most expensive?

An occupational license in Wyoming costs the most for Midwife, Direct Entry. A Midwife, Direct Entry license requires $2500 in fees, 1 exams, no experience, and 2 years of education.

Which occupational license in Wyoming is the least expensive?

An occupational license for in Wyoming costs the least for Vegetation Pesticide Applicator, Pest Control Applicator, Landscape Contractor (Commercial), Landscape Contractor (Residential) where the license costs $25.

Which occupational license in Wyoming takes the most time to obtain?

In Wyoming, an occupational license takes the most time (due to required education/experience) for Athletic Trainer, Preschool Teacher, Public School.It takes 1460 days (4 years) total.

Which occupational license in Wyoming takes the least time to obtain?

In Wyoming, an occupational license takes the least time due to required education/experience (0 days) for School Bus Driver, Bus Driver, City/Transit, Truck Driver, Tractor-Trailer, Vegetation Pesticide Applicator, Truck Driver, Other, Earth Driller, Water Well, Pest Control Applicator, Taxidermist, Landscape Contractor (Commercial), Landscape Contractor (Residential).

In Wyoming, which occupational licenses require exams?

In Wyoming, to obtain an occupational license there is at least one exam required for: Athletic Trainer, Preschool Teacher, Public School, Midwife, Direct Entry, Fire Alarm Installer, Security Alarm Installer, Travel Guide, Cosmetologist, Bill Collection Agency, Barber, Shampooer, Skin Care Specialist, Pharmacy Technician, Manicurist, School Bus Driver, Coach, Head (High School Sports), Bus Driver, City/Transit, Truck Driver, Tractor-Trailer, Emergency Medical Technician, Vegetation Pesticide Applicator, Truck Driver, Other, Earth Driller, Water Well, Pest Control Applicator. School Bus Driver requires 6 exams.

Wyoming’s licensing laws for lower-income occupations are the 25th most burdensome, requiring, on average, $345 in fees, 280 days of education and experience, and around two exams. But Wyoming licenses fewer of the 102 occupations studied here than any other state—just 26—making it the least broadly and onerously licensed state.

Although Wyoming licenses relatively few occupations, some of its licenses are more burdensome than average. For example, Wyoming has one of the most burdensome cosmetology licenses in the nation, requiring roughly 467 days (2,000 hours) of education, while the national average for the occupation is 386 days.

Wyoming also licenses some occupations more onerously than others that may present a greater risk to public safety. For example, EMTs can become licensed after completing roughly 42 days (180 hours) of education and paying a $39 fee. A person wishing to open a bill collection agency, however, must demonstrate a year of experience and pay $600 in fees. Wyoming could expand lower-income employment opportunities in the state by reducing or repealing its burdens for bill collection agencies and other occupations, or—if government regulation is necessary—by replacing them with less restrictive regulatory alternatives.

Wyoming State Licensing Requirements for Lower-Income Occupations

Select a chart to view:
Burden Rank Occupation Number of States that License Fees Education/Experience (Days) Education Experience Exams Minimum Grade Minimum Age
1 Athletic Trainer 49 605 1460 4 years None 2 0 18
2 Preschool Teacher, Public School 50 355 1460 4 years None 1 0 0
3 Midwife, Direct Entry 37 2500 730 2 years None 1 12 0
4 Fire Alarm Installer 39 255 548 None 1.5 years 1 0 0
4 Security Alarm Installer 37 255 548 None 1.5 years 1 0 0
6 Travel Guide 37 2370 368 12 clock hours & 1 day 1 year 4 0 18
7 Cosmetologist 51 148 373 1600 clock hours None 2 10 16
8 Bill Collection Agency 29 651 365 None 1 year 1 0 0
9 Barber 51 200 233 1000 clock hours None 2 10 17
9 Shampooer 33 200 233 1000 clock hours None 2 10 17
11 Skin Care Specialist 51 123 140 600 clock hours None 2 10 16
12 Pharmacy Technician 44 229 117 500 clock hours None 1 12 18
13 Manicurist 51 148 93 400 clock hours None 2 10 16
14 Child Care Home, Family 44 89 7 32 clock hours None 0 12 18
15 School Bus Driver 51 180 0 None None 6 0 18
16 Coach, Head (High School Sports) 47 100 19 12 clock hours & 84 contact hours None 2 12 0
17 Bus Driver, City/Transit 51 180 0 None None 5 0 18
17 Truck Driver, Tractor-Trailer 51 180 0 None None 5 0 18
19 Emergency Medical Technician 51 137 35 150 clock hours None 2 0 18
20 Vegetation Pesticide Applicator 51 25 0 None None 5 0 16
21 Truck Driver, Other 51 180 0 None None 4 0 18
22 Earth Driller, Water Well 51 450 0 None None 3 0 18
23 Pest Control Applicator 51 25 0 None None 2 0 16
24 Taxidermist 28 69 0 None None 0 0 0
25 Landscape Contractor (Commercial) 47 25 0 None None 0 0 0
25 Landscape Contractor (Residential) 48 25 0 None None 0 0 0

License to Work

The data and information here come from IJ’s License to Work report, released in November 2022.

View Report